Response to Mr. Beast's Unhinged Tweet In Defense Of Crew Member Chris Tyson
The following was a tweet thread that I typed out but Twitter would not allow to post for some reason.
Look, this was a branding nightmare from the beginning, but if he is truly your friend-you would tell him to get some help.
REAL friends are REAL with each other & I see you're trying to be supportive, but the best thing you could do for Chris is to be honest with him.
If he wants to continue with the process, wish him luck & support him, but he should NOT be on a channel that has 145M subscribers.
My children were fans of the show. They'll never watch it again as long as Chris is part of the crew.
Why is it that no one is honest with what happens after the "honeymoon period" when someone transitions?
We have thousands of accounts of people who transitioned and regretted doing so.
No one wants to talk about the infections from surgeries, the hormone changes, etc.
The reality of doing this is not amplified. Perhaps it should be highlighted MORE so that FEWER people make this decision for themselves.
Some are irreversible, and at the least do NOT address the root problem.
Jimmy aka Mr. Beast said in a recent interview "Drama is good for growth, 100%".
Is that why he's keeping Chris around?
Is it because he's Chris's friend and he feels bad NOT kicking him from the channel and doesn't care about views/subs?
Is Chris's transing something that aligns with not only the Mr. Beast brand but Jimmy's own personal and religious views?
Knowing what little I do know about Jimmy and most of the crew, they were born & raised in the WORD.
If Jimmy is being true to his own beliefs and wants to remain on-brand, he will be honest with Chris about the decision that he's making.
Anything less than this makes him little more than either a super-grifter or a yes-man, at best.
Kind of a lose-lose situation here.
The fact that Chris thought so little about how this would affect his own wife, son, friends, and a YouTube channel with now millions of subscribers (Most of which are young children and adolescents) shows you what an intense amount of selfishness, if not clinical narcissism Chris has.
He ONLY cares about what CHRIS wants.
Pray for his son, and for the Mr. Beast crew to have a come to Jesus moment & do what's right for everyone involved.
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