Apr 21·edited Apr 21Liked by Haley Kennington

Excellent work.

As you said there's little that can be done in the way of intervention, until/if these addicts truly want the help.

There is also little resolve or benefit, for successive government regimes that have used drugs as a means of control or funding for their agendas and operations. On some level people have to understand that if drugs and dealers were swept from the streets of America, it would be BAD for government, at every level.

A population in perpetual crisis is where they derive their power from. Much like big pharma - there is no money in curing you, like wise there is no money and power in irradiating the drug problem.

You will never see a national law, that mandates the on the spot execution of drug dealers and distributors.

Why not?

It has nothing to do with judicial or humanitarian considerations, or even logistics. They were able to round up J6 suspects from across the county, years later - so as long as the will is there, the logistics will rise to the occasion.

The sad truth is, an addicted populous (take you pick of drugs- include porn and social media) is a chaotic and therefore controllable one.

The best you can do is show your kids, at a young age these videos and pictures and scare the living hell out of them, then keep the dialogue open and pray.

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Thank you!! I fully agree.

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No way. That’s what is causing this stuff?

Thanks for digging into it. 👏

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Read the attached article. 🙏🏼

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Damn. That’s absolutely wild. Those images are pretty impactful.

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